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March 11, 2015 Comments (0) Views: 10794 Watch & Read This


“Who were you before they told you who to be?”

This quote has helped me understand that I don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations.

That could be my physical appearance, my music, religion…my everything.

Beliefs are ingrained from early on, being environmental, social.

If you have big, puffy hair…wear it like that…I dare you.

If you yearn to live outside your strict upbringings then try it.

Try to listen and observe your desires on who you would like to be.

I would challenge you with the following:

Do you like the person you’ve become?? What have you had to change about the old you to fit in with say a job…or a partner? (Typical scenarios)


Try it with anything…it’s always okay to question your beliefs and re-evaluate your life.

Much Love,


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