Taking Advantage of Downtime

So instead of wallowing in my sorrows, I am using this time to refocus. I am retraining myself to be more present and express more gratitude and love. I am actually happy that I have this time. It is obvious that I needed it. I am taking full advantage and cannot wait to see where I am at the end of this downtime.
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I have been in your shoes. This year, I have really been focusing on my health. I have been hitting it hard. My body wasn’t used to it when I first started, so I had some injuries that needed rest. It was frustrating. I finally started my healthier lifestyle then had to take a step back.
I decided to use the time away to read more. I read some books that I had purchased and began reading but never finished. It was a great mental workout for me. After about 4 weeks I was able to get back to it. I now know what it feels like so I can take a step back sooner so that I don’t have to miss an extended period of time.
Good luck during your break and let us know what you are doing to pass the time.
Yep, sounds like we have been down the same road. Thank you for the insight, Chris. I have been listening to a lot of “books on tape” during my walks. Thanks for sharing…and for reading!